1. Check your casino for FREE offers.

Any wager free cash offers from a casino that can be withdrawn is a must. Although most cash offers tend to be small and less than the minimum withdrawal amount. 

Use this free money to place bets on the in-play sports betting markets turn it into a value that can be withdrawn (Avoid accumulator bets, stick to single bets). Playing with the casinos money is much better than using your own.
(Check for any free offers before making any deposits).

2. Calculate how much you can afford to lose.

Make sure you calculate how much you can afford to lose, plan for the worse case scenario. If you don't get into profit at any point don't re-deposit.
You must take a break. Re-evaluate wait til your budget for gambling is reset.
If this means waiting a week or a month or even two then you must wait.
Remember there is no rush to generate a profit, casinos will be here for a long time they aren't going to close over night.

3. Profit & STOP!

When I play roulette I look to achieve any amount of profit then STOP! No matter how small the profit value. For me this works very well. I know all the profit values for my game plays when playing roulette.

What I've learnt is that I usually return a profit early on in any of my game plays.
If I'm on for more than 15 minutes I will generally lose. 

In the past when testing with cash I hit on all game plays in the same session returning a decent amount of profit, I did this on a number of occasions building the balance. But didn't always withdraw and this caused me to take more risks with bigger bets and ended up losing.

To prevent this I came up with the PROFIT & STOP! series that I live streamed on for a number of years before switching over to YouTube.

I wanted to share with others how I managed to reduce losses and keep the gambling budget lasting longer. It's a combination of all three steps

1. Check your casino for FREE offers.
2. Calculate how much you can afford to lose.
3. Profit & STOP!

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